How to choose the technique of stabilizing my shoulder?

Author of the answer : Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : instabilité During the consultation, the surgeon will ask you about the number of dislocations, the type of dislocation, the ease of dislocation and...

What is an operation in case of dislocation of the shoulder?

Author of the answer: Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : instabilité We can distinguish 2 types of interventions in case of dislocations: – ‘repairing’ interventions consisting of reattac...

Should we always be operated on a shoulder that is luxury?

Author of the answer : Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : instabilité The answer is no !! There is never ever and never in terms of health and medicine! Of course, we must evaluate the age, the sporting lev...

What can I risk by dislocating my shoulder?

Author of the answer : Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : instabilité Each episode of shoulder instability contributes to aggravating the destabilizing lesions of a shoulder, so each dislocation facilitates...

Are there effective ways to prevent my shoulder from re-luxating?

Author of the answer : Sébastien TraversCatégorie : instabilité Outside or before considering surgery, rehabilitation is one of the treatments that can improve an unstable shoulder, especially muscle...

Is my shoulder at risk of re-luxating again?

Author of the answer : Dr Jean KanyCatégorie : instabilité After a first episode of dislocation, joint damage is systematic (although often not very obvious on the exams) and facilitate the occurrenc...

Why did my shoulder dislocate?

Author of the answer : Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : instabilité The shoulder (glenohumeral joint) is the most mobile joint of the human body, the counterpart is that it is unstable because the two pie...

What is dislocation of the shoulder?

Author of the answer : Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : instabilité A dislocation is a loss (often brutal) of contact between the two bony parts of a joint. Several types of luxation exist, the most frequ...

I suffer from a dysgraphic dystrophy following my acromioplasty procedure. This worries me because the more I have been off work for more than 6 months while I had been predicting rapid and benign consequences. How is this possible and what are the possible treatments?

Author of the answer : Dr Régis GuinandCatégorie : Générale Hello Madam, the consequences of a shoulder surgery (members in general), as ‘light’ as it (isolated acromioplasty), can be unf...

In physiotherapy for my tendinitis of the headdress I get a massage and then I place electrodes, without any effect … What else can be done?

Author of the answer : Sébastien TraversCatégorie : Générale Hello, my opinion on the treatment of the shoulder in rehabilitation obviously depends on the reasons of appearance of your tendinitis. In...