The causes of acromioclavicular pain are most often related to inflammation of this joint related to:
- old trauma (eg disjunction)
- joint overwork (profession and / or heavy manual activity, sports, physiotherapy of the shoulder !!)
- osteoarthritis or cartilage wear, generally corresponding to an evolution of one of the cases mentioned above,
- secondary osteoarthritis (see causes of osteoarthritis) or idiopathic osteoarthritis (no identifiable cause).

Acromioclavicular osteoarthritis responsible for a related ‘sub-acromioclavicular’ conflict

Hypersignal of an acromioclavicular joint
Two symptomatologies exist, isolated or associated:
- joint pain associated with inflammation of the joint that is swollen and is very sensitive during movement and pressure on the top of the shoulder
- joint pain associated with inflammation internal to the joint that is swollen and is very sensitive during movement and pressure on the top of the shoulder
- either the deformation of this joint (articular arch or parrot beaks related to osteoarthritis) causes a conflict with the cap including the myotendinous junction of the supra-thorny located just below, then leading to sub-acromial bursitis and tendonitis of the supraspinatus. She then participates in conflict under ‘acromioclavicular.

resection of the acromioclavicular joint
The Treatmentis in the first place medical , joint rest, identification of possible factors favoring and if possible eviction of them; shoulder glazing, anti-inflammatory, physiotherapy with physiotherapy…
If these elements are not sufficient, one or more acromioclavicular infiltrations can be performed with a mixture of local anesthesia that can test the possible relief of infiltration in real time (immediate but very fleeting action of local anesthesia).
In case of symptoms of acromial inflammation or tendonitis of the supraspinatus, refer to the chapter on tendinopathy of the cuff.
In case of failure of the medical treatment an intervention can be considered at best under arthroscopy in the form of a resection of the acromioclavicular joint using a motorized bur and osteophytes lower.