The ligaments differ from the tendons that terminate a muscle and allow its insertion on the bone.
There are 3 (superior, middle and inferior) perform a draping around the glenohumeral joint. During an antero-inferior dislocation of the shoulder they are torn off by the displacement of the head, usually at the glenoid and can be reinserted in case of recurrent dislocations.
LGHS = lig. gléno-huméral supérieur.
LGHM = lig. gléno-huméral moyen.
LGHI = lig. gléno-huméral inférieur.

Powerful ligament located above the humeral head, close to the articular path of the long biceps tendon which it stabilizes the entry into the bicipital gutter.

It probably corresponds more to an extension of the subscapular or supraspinous tendon, it is the main stabilizer of the long biceps tendon in the bicipital groove with the LGHS.

They are located between the coracoid process and the clavicle, true suspensions of the upper limb (their rupture leads to a fall of the limb and major acromioclavicular disjunction.
It stabilizes the humeral head under the acromial awning (interest essentially in case of massive rupture of the rotator cuff, its absence or withdrawal promotes the ascent of the humeral head).